Young man's life cut short

This tribute is to my dear friend Nathan Bradley Marti who was a Diplomatic Security Uniformed Officer at the Department of State. He was tragically killed on June 5, 2007 while riding his motorcycle to work at 2:30am. Nathan was a great friend, one who would just listen when you needed someone to, one who would answer any question you had with his honest answer, and he would give you great advise. Nate was rasied Lutheran and was the brother of two older sisters.

Nate was killed in Virginia on June 5, 2007 in the early morning hours. The crash occured on 395 just south of the 14th Street Bridge about 2:30 a.m, when a drunk driver going the wrong way on 1-395 struck and killed Nathan while he was riding his Suzuki motorcycle on his way into work at the U.S. Department of State. Nate was 25 years old and was pronounced dead at the scene. The Honda driver, a 25-year-old man, of Herndon, Va., was not injured. Alcohol was a factor in the crash. Authorities have charged him, but charging the driver of the Honda provides little comfort to Nate's family or his friends.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Remembering Nate

Nathan's sister Lindsay has a blogspot in the memory of her brother. The family and friend's of Nate are in the process of trying to set up a scholarship in Nathan's name at his alumni, Radford Univeristy where Nate attended school from 2001 until 2005 when he graduated with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice he also minored in Sociology. The scholarship process is in its infancy stages right know but everyone can help by making a donation to the scholarship fund. The first step is to email Lindsay or myself your name, address, email address (which is only used for the purpose of Nathan's Scholarship and remembrance of him.) I can foward your information onto Lindsay.

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Diplomatic Security Officer

Diplomatic Security Officer
Nathan at work

Diplomatic Security Bureau News

accident during the early morning of June 5. Officer Marti was
a dedicated officer on his way to work at the time of his death.
His primary assignment was in the DS Security Control Center.
Officer Marti was a 2005 graduate of Radford University and
was a DS Uniformed Officer for two years. Officer Marti is survived by his parents and two sisters.

Website for Officer Killed while Off Duty

I am currently working on a website for Law Enforcement officers that have been killed while off duty. After attempting to get Nate's name added to the National Law Enforcement website and be told that because of the nature of his death does not meet their qualification, I added Nate's name to the Mother's Against Drunk Driving website and I am currently working on a website for Law Enforcement officers who are killed off duty. The site is in its infancy stages and will need alot of work but I hope to have it up and running by Novemeber. The site will be dedicated to Nate and his family.